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African American History in Montgomery County

Contact Director of Programs Matt Gagle or call 301-340-2825 to schedule a Speakers Bureau presentation….

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Brown vs. Board – Reactions

The Effects of Brown vs. The Board of Education in Montgomery County   Reactions   County police on hand at the end of the first day of school, Poolesville High

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Beyond Montgomery County

Contact Director of Programs Matt Gagle or call 301-340-2825 to schedule a Speakers Bureau presentation….

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Living History Programs

Living History Programs & Stories   Many of these programs are now available for in-person booking. Please contact Matt Gagle at to schedule a program today! You can also…

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The Story of George Peck (c.1858-1880)

…of enslavement, whose neighbors, employers, and community/religious leaders thought so little of violently murdering a man in the dead of night, based only on unsubstantiated charges. This event and its…

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Brown vs. Board – Secondary Education

high.  George Washington Carver High School and Junior College, on Rockville Pike, opened in the fall of 1950.   The Junior College, founded by Parlett Moore, was a companion to the…

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Newspaper Reporting

…the comments of Judge Richard Johns Bowie and opinions expressed by the Montgomery County Sentinel and the Baltimore American and Commercial Advertiser (November 12-19, 1880) (Retrieved from the Library of…

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