Resources to Explore Montgomery County’s Suburban Past & Present Are Available Online!


The Steering Committee of the Mary Kay Harper Center for Suburban Studies is pleased to announce the new Guide to Primary & Secondary Sources on the Suburbanization of Montgomery County is available here. The Guide is intended to support research, interpretation, and understanding of how Montgomery County developed as national model for suburban land use, planning, development, and government. You can access the information by clicking on the Finding Aid titles as well as clicking on the titles of Sections II, III and IV. The online Guide supports the MKH Center for Suburban Studies mission to preserve, communicate, and bring a scholarly focus to the county’s suburban history.


Thanks to information generously provided by local communities, organizations, and state & federal agencies, the Guide provides Finding Aids that describe where to find a wide variety of information on the County’s suburban past & present. The Guide also lists information related to Montgomery County suburbanization that is available in the County Archive, in past issues of The Montgomery Story, and in the Historical Bibliography of the Built Environment in the Washington, DC Metropolitan Area developed by George Washington University Professor Richard Longstreth, PhD.


The Center invites any organizations, municipalities, agencies, and businesses with records and/or information related to the suburbanization of the County to prepare and email a completed Finding Aid to Bob Bachman, Chair of the Center for Suburban Studies Steering Committee at: so it can be uploaded to the online Guide.


Blank Finding Aid