Montgomery County Archives Finding Aids
organized by Record Group
Record titles without links are unprocessed collections or being reprocessed. Please contact the Archivist for access to these collections.
Record Group 1. Executive Branch
This record group documents executive functions of County government, including current and discontinued offices, and reflects the work of the County Executive and supporting executive offices.
- Assistant Chief Administrative Officer, 1959-1994
- Chief Administrative Officer, 1962-1994
- County Attorney, 1949-1999
- County Executive, 1968-1996
- County Manager, 1948-1970
- Silver Spring Regional Services Center, 1979-2000
Record Group 2. County Council
Records in this record group include papers of individual Council members and document the achievements of the County Council, the elected legislative branch of the County government.
- County Council, 1964-1988; microfilm: 1884-1987; 1949-2000
- County Council (Printed Material), 1948-1998
- County Council Laws and Ordinances, 1978-1992
- Crenca, Rose, 1969-1990
- Ewing, Gail, 1989-1998
- Gelman, Esther, 1974-1985
- Gudis, Michael L., 1979-1986
- Hanna, William E., Jr., 1983-1998
- Kramer, Sidney, 1970-1974
- Silverman, Steven, 1999-2006
Record Group 3. Legislative Support
This record group documents the activities and functions of offices which support legislative functions.
- Legislative Support (Printed Material), 1967-1993
Record Group 4. Finance and Budget
Records in this group document financial management, record-keeping, and the budget-making process.
- Office of Management and Budget, 1948-1990
- Finance and Budget (Printed Material), 1931-2007
Record Group 5. Human Resources
These records document the activities of offices which manage and coordinate human resources for County offices.
- Office of Personnel: Classification, Compensation, Research Station, 1967-1969
- Human Resources (Printed Material), 1966-1993
Record Group 6. Public Works and Transportation
Records in this group document the maintenance and planning for public facilities, roads, and public property in the County.
- Department of Public Works, 1935-1956
- Department of Transportation, 1938-1989
- Facilities and Services Department, 1961-1979; 2014
- Archaeological Reports from the Inter-County Connector (ICC) Project in Montgomery County, 2011; 2014
- Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Major Investment Study from the Inter-County Connector (ICC) in Montgomery and Prince George’s Counties, 1997
- Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) in Montgomery County, 1967-2000
- Public Works and Transportation (Printed Material), 1932-2000
- Keep Montgomery County Beautiful Program, 1989-1993 (finding aid available on request)
Record Group 7. Public Safety
Records document the activities and programs of offices in the County which perform public safety functions.
- Public Safety (Printed Material), 1941-1998, 2001; 2005
- Police Department, Field Services Bureau, 1977-1979
- Office of Consumer Protection, 1976-1980; 2007-2008
Record Group 8. Environmental Protection
This record group documents the activities and programs of County offices charged with protecting the environment, including land and water resources in the County.
- Division of Resource Protection, 1961-1983
- Division of Solid Waste Management, 1967-1994
- Division of Water Resources Management, 1993-1995
- Environmental Protection (Printed Material), 1972-1997
- Housing and Animal Control Division, 1967-1975
Record Group 9. Health and Human Services
This record group consists of the records of County offices responsible for providing health and social services to families, children, and individual residents in the County.
- Advisory Commission on Drug Abuse, 1968-1984
- Department of Family Resources, 1981-1983
- Department of Health, 1884-1981, 2000
- Department of Health Systems Planning and the Health Planning Commission, 1965-1989
- Department of Social Services, 1935-1995
- Health and Human Services (Printed Material), 1935-2002
- Office of Drug Control, 1968-1976
Record Group 10. Community Development & Housing
This record group documents the functions and activities of County offices responsible for providing housing for low to moderate income residents, and fostering economic development.
- Department of Economic Development, 1976-1997
- Department of Housing and Community Development, 1969-1987
- Community Development and Housing (Printed Material), 1964-2007
- [see also RG8: Housing and Animal Control Division, 1967-1975]
Record Group 11. Public Libraries
This record group documents the County’s provision of library services.
- Department of Public Libraries, 1869-1876; 1908, 1931-2005
- Library Board, 1949-1994 (finding aid available on request)
- Wheaton Library Advisory Committee, 1950-1989
- Bethesda Public Library, 1927-1997
Record Group 12. Culture and Recreation
This record group documents the activities and functions of County offices which promote recreational and cultural activities in the County.
- Department of Recreation, 1954-2000
Record Group 13. Information and Technology
This record group documents the activities and functions of County offices which are charged with promoting new technologies and generally encouraging wider dissemination of information and education in the County.
- Information and Technology (Printed Material), 1960-2000
- Office of Public Information, 1969-1980
- Office of Community Partnerships, 2007-2018 (finding aid available on request)
Record Group 14. Liquor Control Board
These records document the County’s responsibilities for the sale and control of alcoholic beverages.
- Liquor Control Board (Printed Material), 1952-1994, 2003-2004
Record Group 15. Boards, Committees and Commissions
This record group documents the activities and functions of boards, committees, and commissions appointed exclusively by County government as well as other government or private organizations.
- Aging, Commission on, 1984-1994
- Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Advisory Council, 1987-1996
- Appeals, Board of, 1972, 1994-1996
- Bethesda Urban Partnership, 1986-1996
- Bicentennial Commission, 1973-1976, 1988
- Charter Review Commission, 1962-1968, 1974-1998, 2002
- Child Care, Commission on, 1991-1996, 2000-2006
- Children and Youth, Commission on, 1963-2008
- Community Action Committee, 1968-1996
- Criminal Justice Coordinating Committee, 1994-1996
- Elections, Board of [Supervisors of], 1904-2002
- Ethics Commission, 1978-1986
- Fire and Rescue Commission, 1977-1996
- Future of Montgomery County, Commission on, 1985-1988
- Georgian Woods Fire Inquiry Board, 1979
- Historic Preservation Commission, 1965-2008
- Historical Review Committee (for “A Grateful Remembrance”), 1973-1976
- Housing Opportunities Commission, 1968-1999
- Humanities, Commission on, 1984-1996 (finding aid available on request)
- Human Relations Commission, 1957-1996
- Interagency Coordinating Board, 1981-1993
- Juvenile Justice, Commission on, 1979-1996, 2002-2004
- Maryland-National Capital Parks and Planning Commission, 1941-2009
- Merit System Protection Board/Personnel Board, 1981-2004
- People With Disabilities, Commission for, 1982-2000
- Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, 1918-1994
- Women, Commission for, 1974-2001, 2007
- Miscellaneous Boards, Committees, and Commissions, 1952-1999
- Alcoholic Beverages Advisory Board, 1977-1990
- Business Service Awards Committee, 1990
- Cable Communications Advisory Committee, 1980-1992
- Commission on Common Ownership Communities, 1993
- Committee to Evaluate the General Plan, 1967
- Consumer Affairs, Advisory Committee, 1983-1994
- Board of Electrical Examiners, 1984; 1987-1999
- Energy Conservation Advisory Committee, 1984; 1995
- Board of Investment Trustees, 1987-1990
- Martin Luther King Commemorative Committee on the Future of Montgomery County, 1977-1994
- Noise Control Advisory Board, 1983-1993
- Recreation Advisory Board, 1993-1996
- Board of Registration for Building Contractors, 1977-1994
- Revenue Authority Board, 1969; 1986-1996
- Commission on School Financing, 1972
- Sign Review Board, 1986-1993
- Upper Montgomery County Planning Commission, 1952-1956
- Victim Services Advisory Board, 1990-1993
- Solid Waste Advisory Committee, 1982-1996; 1998
- Commission on Zoning and Planning Law and Procedures, 1965
Record Group 16. Oral Histories
This record group consists of oral history recordings and transcripts of interviews conducted with County officials and other individual residents who have significantly contributed to the County’s development or whose recollections represent a unique interpretation of the County’s affairs and historic events.
- Oral History Interviews, 1969-1998
- Guide to the Oral Histories, 1969-1998
Record Group 17. Personal Papers
This record group contains the papers of individuals who significantly influenced County affairs.
- Christeller, Norman L., 1960-1998
- Gleason, James P., 1962-1978
- Greene, Alexander, 1952-1986
- Morris, Harold P., 1928-1960
- Throckmorton, Edith, 1946-1985
- Werner, Stella B., 1930-1980
- Potter, Neal, 1948-1997; 2005; 2008 (finding aid available upon request)
Record Group 18. Civic Organizations
This record group consists of civic organizations, associations, and federations in the county which interact with and have influence upon County government.
- Giles-Johnson Defense Committee, 1963-1967
- League of Women Voters, 1941-1990, 1925-2021
- Lincoln Park Partners Project, 2000-2001
- Literacy Council of Montgomery County, 1963-1994
- Long Branch Neighborhood Initiative, 1977-2015
- Montgomery County Charter Committee, 1942-1954, 1968-1976
- Montgomery County Citizens Planning Association, 1954-1975
- Montgomery County Civic Federation, 1925-1998
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Montgomery County, Maryland Branch, 1958-1959; 1987-1988
- Rock Creek Watershed Association, 1949-1959
Record Group 19. Audiovisual
This record group includes photographic prints and negatives, slides, audiotapes (exclusive of oral history tapes), videotapes, film, and other audiovisual materials.
Record Group 20. Artifacts
This record group includes three-dimensional materials which document County history.